“simply out tours” is the specialist in the Ruhr

… for out of the ordinary events – we offer events ranging from not just City Tours, Bus Tours and more active tours by bike or on foot but also more challenging and light hearted activities such as Fun-Olympics and Treasure Hunts.
Each and every event can be individually tailored to your needs, any special theme can be integrated into your chosen event, whether it’s 4 or 600 participants, we can design the perfect event for everyone.

We apologise that our website isn’t as yet fully translated.

We are happy to help you. Contact us via


call +49 234 338 474 40

Our English speaking guides are looking forward to welcoming you!


Giulia and Anna von beescover.com (January 2018)

We did a customized Green Walking Tour in Essen. It was very interesting, well organized and Christopher was a fantastic guide.
The staff was really friendly and helpful.


Kontaktformular für private Gruppen/Einzelpersonen

Wo kommen die Teilnehmende her?
* Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

Kontaktformular für Unternehmen

Ab hier sind EURE freiwilligen Angaben für uns hilfreich:
Wo kommen die Teilnehmende her?
* Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder.